Why Dance?

I dance to open-I dance to connect-I dance to heal and unwind the held patterns and stagnation-I dance to celebrate the unlimited potential of my body-to mend-to strengthen, condition, lubricate, form and reform, and allow my body to discover and celebrate it’s original state-it’s birthright… pleasure.
“I feel good!”
-James Brown

Nia Trainer Now!

This week I launched the registration button for my first Nia White Belt Training in Hawaii on October 7th, 2011. A two weekend training intensive to access the great potential of body awareness and mastery.

Becoming a Trainer has been a long and awesome journey for me. More blogs on my journey will be posted here. meganmacarthur@wordpress.com

My love for Nia has grown and grown over the past 18 years as a teacher, and my awareness of my body has deepened daily. I am so grateful for my ability and opportunity to be dancing through this life and to share this with others.

I hope you are able to check in on Life In Motion Blogs here.